I wanted to take a moment to tell you about my friend, Katie. She's been battling lymphoma for over a year now, and her story is truly amazing. I've watched her struggle first hand, and I've seen her look the cancer square in the face with the resolve she'll need to beat it. Katie's energy, positive attitude, and determination constantly inspire me.
With medical expenses always on the rise, Katie (a freelance artist) and her husband (a musician) are struggling to make ends meet. Katie told me that she recently missed a dose of life-saving immune boosters because that single dose would cost $1,200 and they just didn't have the money. Katie's supposed to get these injections regularly but often misses them due to financial constraints.
Unwilling to watch her continue to suffer without the pain medication, immune support, and other vital things she needs, a group of her friends are stepping in to help.
Will you take a moment to help Katie by following our Donations blog? Every single sign of support means the world to her, and when you click "follow," and become a follower via Google Friend Connect on her blog, you're helping spread the word and excitement about all the ways we want to help Katie beat this thing.
To thank you for your support, BB will give a $5 Gift Certificate to our shop to the first 100 followers who follow the "Donations for Katie" blog via Google Friend Connect, and then email us to let us know you're participating. We want to do everything we can to help Katie succeed in her fight against lymphoma! Will you help us?
Read more about Katie's inspiring story and become a follower now at:
Please join me and the Donations for Katie team in supporting this amazing woman and helping her beat the hell outta cancer!